Friday, July 20, 2012

Three Days Post Juice Fast

Three days post fast and I believe more compliments have been tossed my direction regarding my glow and general energy than have come my way this year together.  It is a pleasure to receive the compliments for certain but more of a pleasure to feel this way.  I truly do feel amazing!

On the morning after, I made a two egg omelet with avocado and tomato with a side of arugula with olive oil and lemon juice.  It tasted so delicious and provided a ton of energy for the day.  For lunch I bought sashimi at Whole Foods and took it to work.  Super delicious with more energy giving benefits.

I had a half a cup of coffee with oatmeal yesterday morning and had my suspicions confirmed . . . coffee and me should not mix.  I have had issues with a cyst on my left breast for about fifteen years.  Caffeine exacerbates breast cysts, causing them to grow and become painful.  While on my fast, I experienced no breast pain.  Yesterday, I had a few sips of coffee and the shooting pains returned.  And how I LOVE coffee!!!  I don't drink much of it - just a few sips from a half a cup with almond milk in the morning and that's it.

So, I am going to have to break up with coffee.  Perhaps we will see each other once in a while but it will always be a painful goodbye.  Sorry coffee.  Hello Yerba Mate tea . . .

So, I did something stupid.  The day after I went off of the fast, I had dinner with a friend in the Los Angeles Farmer's Market at Monsieur Marcel.  They have une Salade Avec Poulet that is so divine I just had to have one.  Well, you can't have dinner there without wine . . .  I had two glasses of Marcel's Bordeaux and I know that was just plain dumb after clearing out my system but I did it anyway.  The next morning I had a raging hangover.  I mean it was epic.  It lasted all day long.  Lesson learned.

So, wine, I am not breaking up with you all together but we are going to have to see a whole lot less of each other.  I mean it has been a lot of fun and all.  You have really shown me a good time over the years but this abusive attitude the morning after when all the fun is over has got to stop.  Also, you make me gain weight because I have to eat lots of food when I hang out with you.  You just do.  You make me hungry for more tortilla chips and charcuterie and I have absolutely no will power when brie is on the table.  Wine, well, I hope you understand.  I love you but I love me more ;)

So now, I am still eating lots of salads and loving them.  I have had some chicken, fish and eggs but no red meat as of yet.  I have a lot more energy and feel like I could work out again.  I did not feel like working out at all during the fast.

Many people report tons of energy during a juice fast but  not me.  I talked to my doctor today.  He suggested I get tested for a vitamin D deficiency.  I told him I make sure to get at least twenty minutes of sun a day for that.  He says as you age it is not usually enough.  He told me about a website where I could become a part of a study call Grass Roots  I will be checking into that and getting on another omega 3 supplement.  I am also taking B complex with Macro Greens.  They have definitely helped with energy.  Additionally, I think it's time to get tested for diabetes.  Though I am super careful about sugar, it does run like wildfire through my father's side of the family so we will see.

Health and healing is a never ending journey for me.  I am ok with that.  I have dedicated my life to forward this movement since I was fifteen years old when I took my first psychology class.  I have been fascinated ever since.  I always say that if you're here to be a healer, you're going to be given things to heal.  My deepest wish is that my path helps you do the same.

For more on living a Delicious and Healthy Life, see my website      

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day Ten of The Juice and Veggie Fast!!!

I realize I did not post for day nine and it was THE BEST day!  I felt so much energy and clarity and was super happy and excited.  I started a new chef job that day that went very well so that had something to do with it but I largely attribute it to something, well, personal.

A dear friend reminded me of something I knew from my days in naturopathy school a dozen years ago but had conveniently forgotten - when you cleanse, you need to cleanse the whole system.  Juicing is not enough and that bowel cleansing was also called for.  I know this is a tricky subject but I have to share what happened.  So, here goes . . . 

Natural medicine teaches that all diseases start in the bowels.  The cleaner you keep your system and the more you keep it moving regularly, the better.  When I was in naturopathy school, we had to try the natural treatments that we were learning about so we could see how they worked in our own bodies.  I loves this approach as we know how well experience teaches us!  I read that bowel wash enemas of two cups of warm water in an enema bag helps to dramatically relieve sinus headaches. When I was in school, I used to get those headaches a lot so I tried this treatment and it worked!!!  It worked so well that I used that for years until I no longer got those headaches.

For this fast, my friend suggested a colonic to help move out the old waste.  I did not have any time in my schedule for that so instead, I did an enema of warm water at home.  I immediately felt GREAT!  I was lighter and had more energy and by the next morning, the muscle fatigue I got climbing the stairs and the headaches were gone!  I felt amazing! That was day nine.

This morning was a different story.  I didn't have the muscle fatigue but had a headache that I have had all day.  Darnit!  I do think the headache is more stress related from being very worried about my sick and elderly cat.  But that's another story  . . .

So, in the next couple of days, I will figure out how much this whole thing cost me and share the comparison to how much I was spending on food to see if my thoughts about juicing being more expensive than what I was already doing is a big myth or not.  I am interested to see that!

I am so glad I did this fast.  It taught me so much.  Going forward, I will be juicing more often and sharing it with others more.  I am looking forward to a full meal but am truly amazed that I was not dieing for one the whole time I was doing this.  In fact, I didn't want other things to eat (except tortilla chips the fourth day- oddly).  Joe said that what you crave during the fast is the worst thing for you.  Darn!  I eat those a whole lot.  Moderation . . .

Stay tuned!  There's more - like how I do when I return to animal proteins, nuts, seeds and sweet potatoes.

For more on living a Delicious and Healthy Life see


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day Seven Juice and Veggie Fast

Day seven and I have to say I'm feeling great.  It gets better each day.  I was a bit concerned yesterday since I had such a very low dip in energy that I suspected I may have a bigger issue going on.   I had experienced this feeling over the last five years from time to time that I only know to call exhaustion.  I noticed that not enough sleep and poorly eating would induce it.  By poor eating, I mean times where I would try gluten to see if it just might be ok.  It never was.

Yesterday I thought that I may  just have issues with sugar - I mean an actual condition - I have always had issues with sugar.  Diabetes runs like wildfire on my Father's side of the family.  That could be a possibility.  I also wondered if I may have hypo or hyper glycemic issues.  Yesterday, I took a B Complex vitamin as I mentioned and I ate a salad and an apple.  I felt much better after the salad.

I know you may be thinking, "Of course you felt better!  You actually ate something!"  I mean, I would think that if I were reading about someone's juice fast.  The thing is, most people report that they feel better than they ever have in their life by the fifth day.  Joe Cross told me about a friend of his who juiced before, during and after the LA Marathon and made her best time ever.  So, I know it can be incredibly empowering.

Another thought is . . . perhaps I am not built for juicing alone and it's just not the best course of action for my health.  I mean I don't know what vitamins or minerals I may be deficient in and that just may be a factor here.  One thing is good, I have decided to get my blood sugar tested out to see if I do have any issues.

The long and short of it is, I feel better today as I flow into tomorrow . . . day eight!  Wow!  I can't believe how fast this is going and how much I am really enjoying this and how strange it is that I don't want to eat anything other than fruits and vegetables.  That's a surprise!

For more information of living a Delicious And Healthy life, see my website at    

Friday, July 13, 2012

Days 5 and 6 of The Juice and Veggie Fast in Summary

I am hyper aware of every little thing going on in my body. I am checking for aches and pains and energy drains more than usual while juicing and vegging it up. I have been very aware of my body for many years now - I mean since I took my health into my hands nearly eighteen years ago. Your body will tell you so much. Learning to listen to it, then to follow it, is an ongoing lesson.

The last two days are better than certainly the first three were. I write this on day six. Now, to be clear, I am not just juicing these ten days. I decided to do a combination of fruit and veggie smoothies (made with water) and juices with a little help from a small salad or piece of fruit when energy dips low. I did this for two reasons, one is economic. As a small business owner and solo-preneur, business is up and down all the time. Right before our planned fast, I lost all three steady private chef clients for different reasons and thus my income. We know vegetables are more expensive than say, MacDonalds (and I can't tell you how sad and frustrated that makes me but that's another blog.) So, I wanted to cut down on costs and see how I do stacked up against my sisters and their experiences. I also wanted to show others how you can do a veggie fast on a shoestring budget. I want this to be accessible to as many people as possible (numbers provided at the end of the ten days). If I can do it, having lost my income, so can you!

The other reason I did the juice and veggie fast this way is I know my digestive system and crash diets and fasts. This is not my first one. It is my first one in a couple of years so I knew that I do best if I give my digestive tract something to break down. I am extremely sensitive and I know I have certain constraints. When ever I have done something radical like this, I have had lots of detox reactions. This time was no different. But, it is better than any other fast/diet I have ever tried (next to blood type dieting by Dr. Peter D'Adamo but that's a daily diet for life kind of thing).

So, as I listen to my body these last couple of days, I have been getting a little light headed and feel some exhaustion in my muscles especially as I climb stairs. Today, I decided to take a B Complex supplement to see if that helped and it did. I feel more energetic this afternoon. My memory is better. I am remembering to do things I am supposed to do and remembering things I memorize like numbers. I used to be near savant level with remembering numbers. Remembering my parents credit card number in college was especially dangerous! For them anyway . . .

My hips, neck and knees are creaky and a bit stiff. I notice them more in the morning as I get out of bed. The night sweats have diminished over the last six days and so have the hot flashes. One noticeable thing is I am more quick to tire out and have not felt like hiking. That's unlike me as I love to do it and Griffith Park is my back yard.

I realize this sounds like I am suffering but the truth is I am not. I am really enjoying the benefits of mental clarity, less hot flashes, weight loss (five pounds),no bloating, limited gas, and feeling great about what I am putting into my body. Unlike Joe Cross, I don't have any serious illnesses. I am not on any prescription medications, I am not obese and I have been eating intentionally for my health for the last two decades. I feel like, all in all, I am doing great for a sensitive girl who just wants natural hormone balancing. I press on. Day seven, here I come!

 For more on living a Delicious And Healthy Life, see

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day Four Juice Fast with A Recipe

Day four of this juice fast and I am feeling great! I felt a little sleepy this morning but that was the only complaint of the day. Now, its about 10:00pm and I have tons of energy. I'm surprised, quite pleasantly. Also, I just feel super happy. I mean if I'm going to have a mood swing, let it be on the happy end of things. So, to honor my happy mood, I give you my favorite juice recipe of the week. When I make up a juice, I don't think it through. Instead, I just intuit the juice and write it down so I don't forget it just in case its worth sharing. So far, all of them are worth it! This one tastes sweet and a little tangy and is so refreshing. So far, it is my favorite. So, here goes. 1 handful of cilantro 5 broccoli florets 3 kale leaves 2 celery stalks 1 gala apple 2 handsful of spinach 1 wedge of lemon 6 carrots Put all those yummy things in the juicer and drink up! Stay tuned for the next blog ... I know I can't wait to see how I do tomorrow.

Day Three And Things are Getting Better ...

Juice fast day three. Last night was just awful. I couldn't sleep, I ached in my knees, my hips and my head, I was restless and woke up every two hours. It was tough but by morning, I felt I had turned a corner. As the day progressed, I felt a little better and as I took a nap right before the conference call, my headache left completely. We had a great last minute surprise on our conference call ... Joe Cross joined us to answer questions and offer advice. He had so much great information to share. He talked about how getting our veggies in juice form is the absolute best way for the cells to absorb nutrition. It is the nutrient density of power from the sun, water and soil that creates the tremendous health value in a juice fast. He says that if you're getting fiber in smoothies, you won't have the same effect as a juice fast - that's a low calorie diet that will make you hungry while juicing does not make one hungry ... After you get over the hump anyway. One interesting thing he said is whatever you crave while on the juice fast is the worst thing for you. For me it's tortillas chips - meaning salt. I love salty and will take it over sweet any day. We all had an interesting discussion about our different cravings. I am interested to see what tomorrow brings. I have a busy day and won't be able to rest like I did the last couple of days so we shall see about the crucial day four hump! I am just grateful things are getting better!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day two of my juice and veggie reboot and I am as raw as the endless vegetables that I push through my juicer. I feel like all I do is prep veggies, juice, make green smoothies and put them in my mouth. I am irritable and everyone I know and don't know should be glad they don't have to live with me right now. I have a raging headache, my stomach hurts, my bowels are all in knots and the gas ... Well, it's not something anyone should ever have to smell. Joe Cross assures me that once I get through days three and four, I will feel like a new person. I just keep hanging on to that. Meanwhile, I will just have to live with being incredibly irritated by the tiny bits of kale in my sink and on my floor. And, oh man, there's some in my tea!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I Join The Reboot Tomorrow - 10 Day Juice and Veggie Fast

Two of my sisters - Polly and Becky, my brother-in-law Doug and my dear friend for nearly two decades, Michelle and I are all doing a juice and veggie fast starting tomorrow (Becky starts today).  We had a conference call Friday night to talk about how we plan to go about it and we shared our personal goals for it.  We are each doing it a little differently.  Each night, we will meet via conference call and share our experiences and support one another through the fast.

Personally, I am doing it to see if it will help with hormone balancing, brain fog/forgetfulness, moodiness, night sweats,  and hot flashes due to my recent entrance into menopause.  Just posting this for the world to see brings up a lot of emotion around turning this corner in my life.  I have been without a menstrual cycle for one year and three months now.  I turn 45 next month and while I believe this is way too early for me, it is what is happening and is really up for examination at the moment.  I hope that this fast will help with lessening the symptoms as I feel my way through this time in my life.

I am in contact with Joe Cross, the film maker of the movie, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead who is lending advice and support to us during our fast.  If you have not seen the movie, it is a MUST SEE!!!  If you want to do your own fast, check out his websites at and

If you're interested, keep reading my posts.I know I certainly am interested to see what happens for each of us with our different goals.

For more information on living a Delicious and Healthy life, see my website at   While you're on my website, check out my books too!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Turkey Burgers Recipe for The Fourth!

My clients rave about my turkey burgers!  Some clients order them every single week.  I rarely give out recipes from my cookbook but I decided to do so to celebrate this Fourth of July.  This recipe is delicious and simple.  Enjoy!

Turkey Burgers with Honey Mustard Sauce

1 pound ground turkey
1 egg
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon dill
Honey Mustard Sauce
1/3 cup mayonnaise
4 Tablespoons honey
3 Tablespoons Dijon mustard

 Mix turkey with egg and spices.  The egg helps to bind the turkey and the spices give it more flavor.  Add salt and pepper for even more flavor.  Mix with hands and form into patties.  Cook through in a pan with a little olive oil or on a grill. 

Serve on a bed of greens with potato chips (make sure there are no hydrogenated oils in the chips) and pour dressing over burger.  Add tomatoes if you like.  You can always use gluten free bread.  Udi's makes great buns!  More and more choices are available today.  Enjoy!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Natural Treatment for Foot Fungus

From your head to your toes, there are many parts to care for.  Keeping your little piggies healthy is not something we think about too often.  Many of us seek out pedicures regularly but don't think too much about their health value unless something goes wrong like a cut on the foot by way of the pedicurist or fungus that develops from unclean facilities.  These are things we don't like to associate with such a pleasant, pampering experience but they do happen.

Recently, I had a pedicure I had not planned upon with a close friend.  It was at this little salon out in Glendora, California called Salon 66.  I was just going to hang out in the waiting area and look at magazines while he got a hair cut when I was asked if I wanted a pedicure.  So, I thought why not?

Esthetician and Nail Tech Donna La worked on my feet that day.  She was the first pedicurist who took time to talk with me about the state of my feet.  It was not focused on how she would up-sell me into ten different services.  She had a genuine care for my feet and my over all health.

Donna explained the horizontal ridges on my toes were typical of athletes.  I am not one of those but I do like to hike.  She said they likely formed as a result of my toenails being too long coupled with walking in a down hill motion.  She also noticed that I have fungus in my toe nails and recommended that I not wear toenail polish for a couple of months while I treat them.

I have known for many years that there is a natural cure that's better than the commercial ones available for foot fungus.  The Black Walnut tree is the place to go for a couple of different remedies.  

The leaves of the Black Walnut Tree can be cut and placed in a small tub used for bathing your feet.  A dish pan is a good choice for this.  Place several big handfuls of the leaves in the pan and pour hot water from the kettle over them.  Let the leaves steep until the water cools down enough for you to put your feet in.  You can choose to remove the leaves or not as you soak your feet.  I leave them in just in case more of their healing properties can be extracted by the heat.  One treatment may be all you need but I recommend soaking them for at least a few days in a row - perhaps more if need be.

If you do not have access to a Black Walnut tree, you can still get Black Walnut Hull tincture at a health food store in the supplement section.  If you go this route, you can apply several drops per toe and just let it dry.  Just know that the tincture will stain clothing and carpets so put something under your feet that you do not mind staining.  Do this daily until the fungus disappears.    

Black Walnut Hull tincture is also used for treating parasites.  It can be harmful if too much is ingested so seek medical help from a certified naturopath who knows how to use it properly.  It's properties are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral.  Perfect for ridding ourselves of the fungus among us.   

Living a delicious and healthy life includes caring for all of your precious parts.  Remember that your toes are connected to the rest of you.  They can affect your health so take good care of them.

To learn more about living a Delicious and Healthy life, go to 
If you want to go gluten and dairy free, get my book, Done with Dairy, Giving Up Gluten for a guide to help you eat deliciously without gluten or dairy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What To Do With Left Over Soup Recipe

Harmony Oaks, my former Bed & Breakfast in the Columbia, South Carolina countryside presented many opportunities to get creative in the kitchen.  I was fifty miles from the nearest health food store and ten miles from the Piggly Wiggly.  Its produce section was nothing less than dreadful.  While I had a frozen organic food service and grew as much of my own produce as I could in our circular organic garden, often times I just had to get creative and come up with simple ways to re-purpose leftovers.

Now living in the harried metropolis of Los Angeles, I have different considerations . . . time and traffic.  We Angeleno's plan everything we do according to those two factors.  Sometimes I can't just leave the house to go to the market.  It could take thirty minutes to go one mile during certain times of the day.  So, I look in the refrigerator and see what I can put together that's simple, delicious and healthy.

I made my Chicken Curried Sweet Potato soup (recipe is available on another post of this blog) the other day.  There was enough for about two servings.  I also had a bunch of fresh veggies that I had to eat up as soon as I could.  So, I used coconut oil to saute up some fresh snow peas and kale.  Then, I simply added a serving of the soup stirred and cooked it down for a few minutes.

It's best to flash saute the veggies so you don't over cook them when you add the soup and cook it down. You can also add more chicken or nuts or what ever you have on hand that just needs to be eaten.

This works best with creamy soups like butternut squash, pumpkin, potato, tomato, asparagus and the like.  If you use a broth based soup, you may want to thicken it a little with cornstarch or puree it before you dump it in with the veggies.

I ate this all on its own.  You could serve it over rice or quinoa or just add those grains into the mix.  There are so many possibilities.  Just get creative and come up with what ever works for you.

For more information on living a Delicious and Healthy life, see or email Dr. Meg for a grocery tour, food allergy coaching, private chef work, or deeper holistic psychotherapy sessions at


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Simple Refreshing Recipe

Those of us with food allergies often cook for ourselves.  This way, we can get what we want, know how it's prepared and just what ingredients went into it.  No one will be more careful with your food preparation than you will be.  With this in mind, I am constantly thinking of ways to make simple, delicious recipes that don't take much time so you can get to the good part . . .eating!

I made up a very simple fruit salad that was pretty tasty, satisfying AND, of course, healthy too!

Spicy Sweet Tropical Fruit Salad

Chopped fresh pineapple
Fresh cut mango
Fresh papaya
Shredded coconut
Crushed red pepper to taste

Use what ever portions you want of the above fruits or just use pineapple alone (it tastes so good on its own in this salad).  At Trader Joe's, they have pre-cut tropical fruit available in the refrigerator section.  Just chop, toss, add coconut and crushed red pepper (also available at TJ's).

The spicy sweetness of this salad is great.  It starts off sweet and finishes with delicious lingering spiciness.  It's great on its own or as a side dish for a summer barbecue (coming right up!).

This salad contains the digestive enzyme bromelain (found in pineapple), papain (found in papaya), healthy fat found in coconut and blood circulation support from the crushed red pepper.

For more information on living a healthy life, go to  

Monday, April 23, 2012

Oatmeal - What to put on it . . .

I used to loathe oatmeal. The texture, the flavor, the blandness of it all. I could eat Cream of Wheat until I was stuffed silly though.

Being gluten free means, of course, that I cannot have Cream of Wheat but, I can have oatmeal since it is technically gluten free. The thing is, though, oatmeal is usually processed on machinery that is shared with wheat based cereals. Even if the equipment is not shared, if glutenous dust is in the air, it will settle all over everything in the vicinity. The cheaper the oatmeal brand, the higher the parts per million of gluten will be in the oatmeal.

Of course, gluten free oatmeal brands have popped up over the last several years. You see, it took decades for them to figure out that oatmeal is gluten free because no one was using dedicated equipment just for oatmeal so people were having reactions to it.

Enough on the information about oatmeal, now that we can eat it, I do and now that I have fallen in love with the stuff, I have come up with my own creative toppings. Here is my favorite bowl of oatmeal with a decadent twist . . .

Dr. Meg's Decadent Oatmeal Recipe
1/2 Cup gluten free oatmeal
1 pinch cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp cinnamon
stevia to taste (I use powdered)
3 tablespoons walnuts
1 handful of black berries and strawberries
4 chocolate covered power berries (or dark chocolate chip or pieces)
A little almond milk (unsweetened)

I prepare the oatmeal according to directions, mix in cinnamon, cayenne and stevia, add chocolate, fruit and walnuts then top with almond milk. The trick is to use only a little chocolate to give it a nice flavor and not overdo the sugar content.

Since I used stevia, it is sweetened without all those empty calories. Cayenne pepper gives it a nice little spice and helps with blood circulation. Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugars and berries are low carbohydrate and low sugar fruits. Chocolate covered power berries are high in antioxidents but they do contain sugar. This isn't an every day thing. Just a couple times this week. I eat eggs and vegetables on the other days.

Dang, I love breakfast!

For more information on living a Delicious and Healthy life, see

Friday, April 13, 2012

Coconut Water versus Coconut Milk

I keep hearing from people that coconut milk is bad for you and not to consume it. As usual, I want to find the story behind the rumors and provide it to you so we can all make informed, healthy decisions.

Coconut Water: Typically derived from young coconuts, coconut water is found in the center of the nut. Coconut water is a good source of potassium, magnesium and calcium. It is low in sugar but gains most of its calories from it. Coconut water is also a good source for electrolytes (minerals) that can be depleted during vigorous exercise or diarrhea and is sometimes called "Natural Gatorade".

Coconut Milk: Made from mature coconuts, coconut milk is processed by mashing the meat of the coconut with water. Because the meat of the coconut is high in fat, coconut milk is very high in calories derived mainly from saturated fat. The fats in coconuts do not raise your LDL or "bad" cholesterol as they are processed differently in the body than saturated fats from animal sources.

Canned coconut milk has been controversial due to the lining of the cans containing bisphenol-A or BPA which has been linked to cancer, diabetes, ADHD, infertility and heart disease. BPA leaches into products with high acid (like tomatoes) and high fat like coconut. Canned coconut milk also contains guar gum, a thickener that is often difficult to digest and can cause diarrhea.

According to one article I read, you can make coconut milk yourself or you can purchase one brand for certain that does not have any BPA in it. The one brand without BPA is Native Forest. For more information, please read.

Today, there are a number of coconut milk brands in cartons. I was unable to find enough information on them to make a comment on how they are processed and stored.

The best source of anything in the food world is as close to the whole food as nature intended. So, if you're going to consume coconut water, get young Thai coconuts and drink directly from the nut. If you want to have coconut milk for your recipes, go with home made.

For information on living a Delicious and Healthy life, see and learn how to eat for health, graceful ageing and longevity.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dr. Meg Interviews Joe Cross from The Movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead was one of the most inspirational documentaries I have ever seen. I was so moved that I contacted the Australian film maker, Joe Cross to see if he would be kind enough to grant me an interview to share with Delicious and Healthy fans. And he said yes!

If you have not seen the movie, GO SEE IT!!! It's available on Netflix. Briefly, it's about an Australian who takes a road trip across the U.S. talking to everyone about the sixty day juice fast he was on at the time to better his health. The movie offers tons of information about health, why he did the juice fast and how both illness and obesity vanished from Joe's life.

The interview covers some excellent information not covered in the film like:
  • What does Joe Cross eat now?
  • What has he been doing since he made the film?
  • How does Joe see illness and obesity now that he's on the other side of it?
I was so inspired that two of my sisters and my brother-in-law and I are going to Join The Reboot and do a ten day juice fast together on separate coasts of the U.S. We are asking anyone that wants to join us to come on and do so! Just email me at:

We are planning on having daily conference calls to help each other through AND, Joe wants to know how we all do in our Reboot Support Group. It will be after the 4th of July that we will start this juice fast together. More to come on that, just listen to the interview for now and decide if you would like to join us!

There are many ways to reboot - all you have to do is sign up for to join at and read about it. For now, please listen!

Monday, March 26, 2012

3 Reasons Why NOT To Eat Tofu

Tofu has long been used by vegetarians as a source of protein. In Asian countries it is a staple food that has been consumed daily for centuries. Much research has been done about tofu and its health value. At one time, I ate it several times a week. Here is why I don't eat it at all anymore:

Reason #1: Tofu is not a whole food. It is processed from dried soybeans that are made into soy milk by mashing, boiling and straining them. It is then coagulated with calcium sulfate and cut into blocks.

Reason # 2: Soybean crops in the US are now 90% genetically modified. Monsanto has been using the poisonous herbicide Roundup directly in the soybean. They have been doing this for two decades now. If it is not certified organic tofu, you can bet it has Roundup in it.

Reason # 3: Tofu is high in phytoestrogens aka plant hormones. Excessive amounts can cause hormone imbalances in both men and women and have been linked to tumors both benign and malignant. A woman in one of my audiences had a tumor the size of a grapefruit in her stomach from daily consumption of soy milk, tofu and processed meat substitutes. A man in one of my audiences developed puffiness all over his body, dramatically decreased sex drive and low stamina from soy products. Both people cut out soy and it restored them to health. Others have complained of migraines and constipation from tofu.

If you're going to eat soy, eat it in its whole food form called edamame or soy beans. Please make sure it is certified organic to avoid genetically modified organisms and don't eat it every single day. Fermented soy products like tempeh, miso, gluten free soy based sauces like tamari, and Bragg's Liquid Aminos are also highly recommended for great protein food sources rich in enzymes for healthy digestion.

For more information about soybeans, tofu and soy based products, check this site. You decide what works for you and what your comfort level is with soy. It is best to be informed so you can make the choice that is right for you.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The One Thing About Gluten Free Eating that I've Been Afraid to Say

It's all over the internet. Everywhere you look where there's any mention of gluten free products or cookbooks or anything gluten free, it's always the same thing. It has been bugging me for a long while and now I am just going to say it.

Why does everything that's gluten free have to be a baked goods like breads, cookies, pizza doughs, cakes and all those sugar laden "treats" that if we eat them every day, we will continue to have intestinal problems and quite possibly diabetes and/or cancer over the long haul? What about breakfast lunch and dinner? What are we supposed to eat then?

I speak for the hundreds of choices of fruits, vegetables and meats of the world with all the delicious savory spices to prepare them with that add flavor. We can combine the multitude of ingredients in thousands of ways to make tasty, delicious and healthy foods.

More and more information is coming out about sugar and nutritionally depleted gluten free flour mixes and their links to cancer and diabetes. I don't suggest we take our fun foods away but let us make them a background choice rather than the main one.

Eighteen years ago when I went gluten free to save my health, there weren't that many choices available. What was around did not taste that great. I lost 25 pounds and made a miraculous recovery. Today, I hear people in my audiences say they gained weight on ther gluten free diets trying to replace their excessive bread, cake and cookie habits with gluten free options.

Eat veggies! Eat fruits! Eat responsibly farmed meats and seafood! Get healthy and be Delicious! Then, once in a while, eat a cookie or two - maybe a piece of cake. Let your body heal by giving it the best you can.

For more information on living a Delicious and Healthy life, sign up for my newsletter at

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Crazy Good Gluten Free Sunset Treat

A yoga class just let out a few doors down from Babycakes NYC in Larchmont Village, LA. I sit watching a firey sunset as I chomp on a vegan, gluten free cookie sandwich. I get a twinge of guilt as I spy the parade of yogis clutching their mats, all refreshed after an hour of downward facing dog and sun salutations.

I take another bite. The guilt lifts as I accept my cookie consuming fate and decide beyond all doubt that this is for a good cause.

The chocolate chip cookie sandwich reminds me of a junkie treat I used to love as a child - Little Debbie oatmeal cookie sandwiches. Ultimately, I know it's like comparing a 57 Bordeaux to Two Buck Chuck but it's only a reminder.

So really, this cookie sandwich was crazy delicious! With a combination of garbanzo, fava bean, sorghum, tapioca starch, agave, coconut oil and chocolate, this rich, delicious cookie miracle hit the spot. Now it did cost $5.00 BUT, it is all organic and Babycakes has a tiny markup (unlike unhealthy bakeries with 100% markup) AND, it's as healthy as you can get while still being a dessert.

Thanks Erin McKenna, owner of Babycakes NYC for working so hard to perfect this gluten, egg, dairy, and soy free treat. It's your great gift to the world and my sunset treat.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Babycakes NYC Comes to Larchmont Village, LA

The popular hangout for food allergy sufferers that began in New York City has spread from its second location in downtown Los Angeles to the sweet little street of Larchmont Boulevard. Situated among privately owned boutiques and restaurants and near Paramount and Raleigh studios, Babycakes could not have come to a better neighborhood.

The cupcakes and most treats are gluten, dairy, casein, soy, egg and refined sugar free. A popular spot for celebrities, Babycakes is frequented by many who just want a healthy, sweet treat option to all the processed, sugary, chemical filled fluff out there.

Do they taste good? Come on out and try for yourself. Come to 236 Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90004 and enjoy a treat and a charming street to spend a few hours exploring. Come on Sunday between 10:00 am and 2:00pm and you can also visit the Larchmont Farmer's Market.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A New Soup Recipe - I Could Not Stop Eating It!!!

About a month ago, I made up this soup and invited my friend, Claire to come eat it with me. She loved it (as did I). She told me to write it down while it was fresh in my mind but I kept forgetting to and, like all memories, it faded away.

Tonight, I decided to revive it and it was SO much better than the original that I simply could not stop eating it. Luckily it was nutricious so I did not feel super guilty about it. I was truly thrilled with it. Here is what I did.

Curried Yam with Chicken Soup

1 Rotisserie Chicken (from the market or home made)

1 box chicken broth (or juices from home made chicken plus water to top off)

3 cloves garlic chopped

1/2 yellow onion

1 1/2 cups minced carrots

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons butter or non-hydrogenated substitute

1/2 teaspoon mustard seed

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1 1/2 teaspoon curry powder

1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

1 teaspoon cumin

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (or to taste)

3 large chopped yams

Chop up yams, onions, garlic, mince carrots in a food processor if you have one otherwise, chop them. Heat soup pot on medium high until hot. Add olive oil and butter. Add garlic and sautee. Add onion, sautee. Add carrots, sautee. Add mustard seed and salt and stir. Add other spices mixed. Sautee until aromatic. Add yams and sautee for about 1o minutes. Add boxed chicken broth or pan drippings from home made chicken plus water to covering. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20-30 minutes or until tender.

Scoop out most of the soup into a blender or vitamix and blend well. Return creamy soup back in with chunks and broth to create a creamy and chunky effect together. Chop up cooked chicken and add as much or as little as you like and stir. Simmer a few minutes more and serve.

I seriously could not stop eating this. My eyes rolled back in my head upon first taste so I knew it was perfect. I hope this comes out as great for you as it did for me.

For more information on living a gluten free, dairy free, delicious and healthy life, go to

Thank you!!!!

Be Delicious!

Dr. Meg