Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Crazy Good Gluten Free Sunset Treat

A yoga class just let out a few doors down from Babycakes NYC in Larchmont Village, LA. I sit watching a firey sunset as I chomp on a vegan, gluten free cookie sandwich. I get a twinge of guilt as I spy the parade of yogis clutching their mats, all refreshed after an hour of downward facing dog and sun salutations.

I take another bite. The guilt lifts as I accept my cookie consuming fate and decide beyond all doubt that this is for a good cause.

The chocolate chip cookie sandwich reminds me of a junkie treat I used to love as a child - Little Debbie oatmeal cookie sandwiches. Ultimately, I know it's like comparing a 57 Bordeaux to Two Buck Chuck but it's only a reminder.

So really, this cookie sandwich was crazy delicious! With a combination of garbanzo, fava bean, sorghum, tapioca starch, agave, coconut oil and chocolate, this rich, delicious cookie miracle hit the spot. Now it did cost $5.00 BUT, it is all organic and Babycakes has a tiny markup (unlike unhealthy bakeries with 100% markup) AND, it's as healthy as you can get while still being a dessert.

Thanks Erin McKenna, owner of Babycakes NYC for working so hard to perfect this gluten, egg, dairy, and soy free treat. It's your great gift to the world and my sunset treat.

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